Freefall atomic or fusion scramjet to start engines on nosedive from platform 40 km up on a statospheric Balloons

The Balloons are tied by appropriate Kite string to the ground via a motorised Winch... a Stratospheric Elevator.

An atomic scramjet then does a u turn from a straight down nosedive to start engines at around the speed of sound, to straight up, a half loop the loop the scary bit, then the spacecraft orbits Earth where the air is rare faster and faster to slingshot to Mars the Moon or upper atmosphere using rocket technology where there is no interstellar gases. This is easy for a small drone hard for something the size of the Saturn V needing a hundreds of stupidly big Balloons.

Its way better than Rockets, and ,there are several recent advancements in fusion reactors, like, the superconducting Magnets Bill Gates funded to trap the fusion reaction in a magnetic trap.

Mostly a 50 year old Richard Feynman idea.

The Americans already have a fairly secret Flying isosoles triangle driven by nuclear power on each vertex.

And thats nothing

Google Pais Effect and find out everything you can, crazy microwaves around submarines allowing them travel 200 miles an hour by inertial dampening as far as I remember, I wonder is it a U.S. Navy Joke to microwave Chinese copycats mad enough to try it.

Also anti gravity according to some people using mercury rotating in a large ac electric field driven by a fusion reactor according to Alien Starseed groups on Facebook, facebook is a great first contact tool for Aliens to introduce themselves gradually without starting world war III. Feynmans lectures on physics chapter 9 is Gyroscopes and is key to UFO tech & possibly uses 2 mercury gryoscope objects one inside the other to compensate each others spin and precession. I'd suspect the travelling salesman algroithm also might have a play in the navigation of UFO's.

Cosmic Agency YouTube is very interesting.

Elon I'm not staying in a tin can for 1 year using 1000 year old chinese firecracker technology on a controlled explosion look at this.

Elon Musk hasn't even reached the Moon yet he is just a businessman following in Verner Von Brauns footsteps as far as Space X is concerned. I don't want to fly on a controlled explosion and am too old and unfit to handle 9 G. The warp drive needs anti gravity to rip space time so like me in psychiatric hospital looking at my wibbly wobbly wonder bed rails hinting what travel on this crazy machine would be like. I also met an older version of possibly myself who claimed to travel the galaxy but said nothing more. Psychiatric hospitals are where the best physics is done regarding area 51s and people seeing imaginary people faeries and secret service and aliens possibly eating patients. It was weird.

In short Elon you are doing great for a computer programmer, madcap in ways like myself, but there are easier ways to do it than riding a controlled explosion at 3500 kelvin to Mars & reentering with chemicals so toxic given off on reentry the Astronauts can't leave the capsule for half an hour if you only raid the Area 51 cookie jar I've rocket books written recommended by nasa and they are difficult at best. They probably have been star treking across the universe for ages if you don't believe me what is this jpeg from egyptian times, I've seen helicopter heiroglyphs.  

Also watch Mike Tyson and Joe Rogan there are ways to carry your consciousness away to places that make Star Trek look boring for free for 30 minutes. The shamanic medicine Tyson & Tony Robbins recommend stops heroin addiction in its tracks its so out there. 

Elon dog Barney and I is psychic animals know things we don't and I suspect use shamanism spaghetti logic too, so are Buddhist monks, linked without brain wires, and, I'm Barneys butler, my brother even more so, he trades licks for everything, and, my brother sleeps over now and again in my house because he is happiest sleeping with the dog on his belly he is good looking and has went to weddings and seen women pulling tricks later on which put him off them a Clint Eastwood.

James is interested in getting an endangered Orangutan from palm oil forests, they would be perfect in Irish Pubs, drinking beer, misbehaving, a little chaos having to be toilet trained, creating stories for customers otherwise who watch sports & gamble wishing to pick up good looking women, the farmers under pressure making palm oil don't want them, almost like the pure of heart mongoloids who people are now trying to get rid, gods children, who have simple wisdom we don't, we learn from them, any non self absorbed family with a mongoloid child is kinder, these children can get street smarts by reading the book of proverbs in the bible the wisdom of solomon, I was my mothers pet, I suffered the indignity of believing I was an ornament as a child, before school my saintly mother,  sat me and my sister in the sink, and washed behind my ears, they make a great pet, all pure of heart children do.


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